Engineering Plant Types

Engineering Insurance - Types of Plant

What type of equipment requires engineering inspection cover?


Pressure items can require inspection/examination under the Pressure Regulations or General Application Regulations, depending on the type of fluid and/or the Pressure x Volume (bar/litres) value of the vessel.

All plant items containing steam require examination under the Pressure Regulations regardless of pressure.

Examples include: Air Receivers, Autoclaves, Blowdown Vessels, Bulk Storage Vessel, Café Boilers, Calorifiers, Hot Water Boilers, Jacket Reactor Vessel, Pressurisation Units, Refrigeration Plant, Air Conditioning Plant, Steam Boilers, Steam Vessels.

Lifting Equipment:

Lifting items are covered under various sections of the General Application Regulations and subsequent legislation. The examination frequency for an item depends on the type/use of that item. Examination frequencies are divided into six or twelve month cycles. Generally items that have interaction with the public are required every six months such as passenger lifts and escalators, and more commercial items such as cranes, Goods lifts etc every 12 months, but the regulations must be reviewed in relation to each item and your insurer can help with this.

Other machines which are not lifting machines but have a lifting function (for example manual pallet trucks, excavators etc.) also require inspection under the General Application Regulations with a twelve month frequency.

Examples Include: Crane, Dock Levellers, Escalators, Excavators & Lifting Shovels, Forklift Trucks, Goods Lifts, Lifting Appliances, Lifting Machines, Lorry Mounted Cranes, Mobile Cranes, Motor Vehicle Lifting Tables, Pallet Trucks, Passenger Lifts, Separate Lifting Accessories, Window Cleaning Equipment.


General electrical equipment requires examination/inspection under the General Application Regulation. The type of inspection/examination required and their frequency depends on the type and size of the plant. Portable Appliances may require specific testing also.

Examples Include: Alternator, Control Pannels, Engines, Motors Pumps & Compressors, Fixed Wiring, Gearboxes, Generators.

Power Press:

Guard & Protective Devices, Guillotines, Injection Moulding Machines, Power Press, Press Breaks, Wood Working Machines

Local Exhaust Ventilation Plant

Fume Cupboard, Local Exhaust Ventilation System, Shot Blast Cabinets, Spray Booths

How often is inspection required?

The regulations change and you are advised to check the regulations but you can find a sample list here which was developed by Allianz or you can check with us and we will discuss with the insurer.

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