Medical Malpractice
If you are in an occupation where you treat patients or clients, you could be exposed to claims for negligence in delivering that treatment. Medical Malpractice Insurance covers you for the cost of claims where it is alleged you have caused a person physical or mental harm. It also covers the legal costs in defending actions brought against you and the costs of the award associated with the action.
If you, in the course of your treatment with your clients or patients, make a mistake or do/fail to do something that could cause harm to them then you need Medical Malpractice Insurance.
Brady Insurance have specialist brokers who can help you place your cover, always with the top insurers in your field.
Medical Malpractice or medical indemnity insurance is for clinicians and professionals engaged in treatment or care of individuals. It can be medical, aesthetic, dental, emergency response and consultancy based, covering patient claims for injury or death.

What's covered?
- Claims arising from medical malpractice
- Liability for Good Samaritan Acts worldwide
- Defense Costs
- Punitive and compensatory damages
How Does it Protect Me?
Medical Malpractice Covers damages for:
Bodily Injury, Illness or Death
Breach of professional Confidentiality
Libel & Slander
Loss of documents
Good Samaritan acts
- Inquest costs
- What limit of cover should you choose?
- What’s the difference between Medical Malpractice and professional indemnity Insurance
- Explain claims made or claims occurrence?
- What kind of claims does Medical Malpractice Cover?
- Why Choose Brady Insurance?
- What happens after you Purchase your policy?
Examples of Claims
- A doctor fails to refer a patient to a specialist consultant, leading to delayed diagnosis and treatment, increasing the patient’s suffering
- A surgeon misreads a scan and misses a diagnosis giving rise to a worsened illness for the patient.
- A hairdresser skips doing a patch test on a client before dying their hair, and they suffer a severe allergic reaction and burns to their scalp.
- A dentist takes out the wrong tooth, necessitating further extraction work and treatment to correct the mistake.
- A pharmacist issues the wrong medicine to a patient due to an administrative error in the pharmacy giving rise to an allergic reaction.
- A doctor takes an insufficient medical history and it contributes to a delayed diagnosis and death of the patient.
- An aesthetician administers dermal fillers wrongly, and a client is left with facial scarring
- A nurse fails to take proper patient observations or note changes in their condition on their record, with catastrophic results.
- An anaesthesiologist administers an epidural to a woman prior to labour and his medical error causes nerve damage to the womans spine.
- A beautician uses sub-standard products from unreputable supplier on a client causing burning and scarring of the skin
- A doctor administers a medicine to a patient without due regard for drug contraindications leading to severe illness in the patient