Directors & Officers Quote

Directors & Officers Insurance

Proposer Information
Company Information
Cover Requirements

(€250k, €500k, €1m, €2m, €3m, €5m) - If you aren't sure of the level of cover required, please indicate "unknown"

Insurance Details

Including status of all claims from the past 5 years

Acceptance Criteria Compliance
  • You are an Irish Registered Limited Company
  • You have been trading minimum 2 years
  • Your company is profitable, both last year & next financial year
  • Your audited accounts have not been qualified by your accountant
  • Your health & safety policies are in line with guidelines on Covid 19 & Staff are aware of these
  • You have no USA/ Canada Turnover
  • You have no Subsidiaries outside of the EEA
  • No directors have been disqualified under companies act or had criminal convictions
  • There have been no investigations or claims against the firm, its directors or employees in last 5 years
  • You are not aware of any circumstance or incident that may give rise under a proposed Directors & officers policy
  • You have not made any redundancies in the last 12 months
  • You do not anticipate making any redundancies in the next 12 months
  • You have current employment, disciplinary, dismissals and grievance policies in place that have been communicated to all employees