If you operate or own a business in the leisure & activity sector, you will be very much aware of the increased hazards that you and your customers are exposed to everyday. From Activity Centres, Play Centres and Paintball Centres to Casinos to Personal Instructors, the very nature of operations presents an increased exposure to your business. For this very reason it is essential to have the correct covers in place, backed up the best insurers and a team with the experience to advise you on your requirements and just as importantly when a claim arises.
At Brady Insurance, we can assist you in creating an insurance policy that will protect your business, when the unexpected occurs. You can be assured that the products we provide you with are from well established, respected and trusted insurers.
Claims Environment
As a leisure and activity provider, you are well aware of the difficult situation with regard to awards and the costs of claims in Ireland. We like to keep a positive outlook on this, thus far we have always kept our clients insured and will hopefully continue to do so. But yes, things do need serious reform.
For updates on the Cost of Insurance Working Group, we like to keep to abreast of the government website here: