Sports Clubs & Societies

Sports Clubs & Societies FAQs

What is Public Liability

Public Liability is an essential cover for any Club or Society. The cover affords protection to your Club or Society for any injuries that have occurred to any member of the public that is attending your activities due to your negligence. The cover will react to any legal proceedings that are brought against you and cover the cost of any settlements or legal costs involved in such action.

Are Volunteers covered?

Your Volunteers are covered under the Employers Liability Section of your cover. 

Employers Liability Cover is a cover that essentially covers any employee, volunteer, person under apprenticeship, person under work placement, students under work experience and any person that is under the direct control & supervision of your Club or Society.  The section offers cover for any injuries or illnesses that occur, due to your negligence, while the person is in the course of your employment. Like with Public Liability, any settlements and legal costs will be covered under this section of cover.

What is Personal Accident Cover?

Personal Accident cover is a no-fault accident insurance.  If some one trips over their own lace and has medical costs as a result of this, this policy will provide for this.  They are a range of different benefits provided for under this cover and our expert Team will happily guide you through the best options

How quickly will you provide a quotation?

We aim to provide quotations within 24 hours, or next working day. If there is  significant property to cover, it can take longer as the structures need to be reviewed by underwriters.

Can I make changes to my policy during the year?

Changes to your policy can be made at any time during the year, indemnities letters can be issued at any time. 

Does the insurance only cover my club or does it include pitches?

It should do, if the pitches or playing fields are within the ‘grounds’ of your club. There will be clarification of the extent of your cover in your policy documents.

What if someone injures themselves while trespassing in our club?

Trespassers on your land can still claim if they are subject to accident or injury. Not every ‘trespasser’ has malicious intent though! A trespasser could be kids playing football on your field or a person taking a walk. Technically they’ve not been invited on to your grounds so they are trespassers, but they still shouldn’t be put in danger. 

Take precautions at all times and make sure that risk management checks are in place for your entire grounds.

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